Jackie Edwards

I Feel So Bad / I Don't Want To Be Made A Fool Of

Island : WI 3006

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  • Artist: Jackie Edwards
  • A Side: I Feel So Bad
  • B Side: I Don't Want To Be Made A Fool Of
  • Label: Island
  • Format: 45s



  • Vinyl Condition: E+
  • Label Condition: M-
  • Sleeve Condition: M-

Key: View



Jackie Edwards - I Feel So Bad / I Don't Want To Be Made A Fool Of - Island WI 3006

Forgive me if you've heard this story of youthful Soul vinyl obsession before but some events never leave your mind no matter how long ago they happened. This story is from 1970.

My brother's recent funeral, was a tearful reunion of the Melton Mowbray MODS who inadvertently shaped my life. In the summer of 1970 Decky Stevens introduced me to the Brit Club on the banks of the River Trent. I felt so proud to be asked to accompany the man with the best polished brogues in town. I thought I'd entered the exclusive world of MOD-acceptance, through my personality; but I realised later, it was my very pretty girlfriend's preference for tight fitting hot pants, that triggered the invite to ride the bus to Nottingham that night..

A night that changed the course of my life. Not because Decky's MOD persona almost stole my girl away but because my brain that evening I was bombarded for the very first time with the recordings of Al Kent, J. J. Barnes, Major Lance, Jaybirds, Jimmy McCracklin, Rufus Lumley etc etc. I left the club determined to own all of them, especially that one full of strings that Decky couldn't tell me the artist or the title but I found out on my next visit it was Jackie Edwards - I feel so bad - it became my top want.

Ironically a few months later, I had my very first record-digging hit on Melton Mowbray Sunday market. The Kendall brothers and me stumbled upon a 45 collection being sold by "Cetti" his I.d. sticker was on every Tamla Motown, Stateside, Sue, Capitol, Columbia 45 that lay in strewn across the market stall for these 3 country bumpkins trying to amass a Soul collection it was a day to remember. ( another time I'll tell you what prizes we left behind as our feeble Northern Soul knowledge failed us)

My prize catch was Major Lance - Investigate - Columbia. The boastings of our find soon spread; Tim Crumb a horse-showjumping champion and Soul boy at the weekends declared he wanted my Major Lance, but I wouldn't sell. But I would maybe trade it for the super-rare (I'd been told) Jackie Edwards - I feel so bad - he said he'd got a copy..I was darn well ecstatic when we did the trade the very next day. I couldn't wait to get home and play it...

I danced around my 25 Baldocks Lane, bedroom like Leicester City had won the Premiership league (another one of my dreams) I was at last the owner of Jackie Edwards - I Feel So Bad - .

And what a pretty label...a brilliant yellow.. a label I'd never seen before. The 'MAGIC' label and it felt like magic and I was so proud of my first record deal..

Until soon afterwards, I was told it was a worthless bootleg worth 75p...

Two stunningly labels, full gloss vinyl, only a few sleeve storage hairlines revealed when angled under direct light, but as you can hear this moment of Jackie Edwards genius plays beautifully clean, those zipping strings in full flow, and Jackie's spellbinding vocal crystal clear. A spectacular copy, finest copy I've seen in memory.

Condition Report

Two stunningly labels, full gloss vinyl, only a few sleeve storage hairlines revealed when angled under direct light, but as you can hear this moment of Jackie Edwards genius plays beautifully clean, those zipping strings in full flow, and Jackie's spellbinding vocal crystal clear. A spectacular copy, finest copy I've seen in memory.

A Side

  • Title: I Feel So Bad

    B Side

  • Title: I Don't Want To Be Made A Fool Of
  • Year: October 1966
  • City: Island Records, 108 Cambridge Road, Kilburn, London NW6
